Purpose In Pursuit

Scripture Reading - Ecclesiastes 3:17 KJV

I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.

Previously we spoke about “Purpose” in a general sense of everything we do in this life has a purpose from God so we should also align our lifestyle and deeds with God’s Will, which is His Purpose. Yes, we know that everything we do will not be according to God’s specific will but it should fall into His general will. The Lord doesn’t need to tell you every decision because He gave you a mind to think with and make some decisions yourself. In other words when it is your birthday party God will let you choose the gifts you like. We (ihlcc) will explain with a few examples: The Lord let Adam choose the names of the animals because God knew Adam could do it and God delighted to hear Adam’s heart concerning the animals He (God) created. The Lord delights in the happiness of His Children so He looks for us to make some decisions that bring us joy. Remember King David chose to build God a house and God allowed that vision (decision) to be fulfilled in the ministry of Solomon, David’s son. The general rule of thumb is to start with what brings you peace and joy and if the Lord wants to interject His opinion (or His preference) He most certainly will. We (ihlcc) have found that our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ are very liberal in accepting our decisions for most general things we do and need in this life. However, with that being said we will keep this in context because when it comes to doing the work of God the Lord has already put in place His preferred system through the doctrine of His Word to lead us and guide us into all truth. Therefore, in our “Purpose of Pursuit” our heart (plan, desire, motivation, etc…) should be based upon God’s Word. Yes, specifically speaking to those called into the five-fold ministry you must have God’s Heart which is His Purpose and His Passion. Yes, the evangelist must study how evangelism was performed in the Holy Bible as a foundation for their ministry. Likewise, the pastor should study biblical pastoring to gain the Great Shepherd’s viewpoint. Similarly, the person called to be an apostle can see into the apostolic ministry established in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. This is true for all the ministry offices including helps because when you volunteer as a servant of God you are still representing God. We (ihlcc) believe that when you are in the helps ministry you show God in at least two ways. The first way is you are publically demonstrating the heart of God which should show in your attitude, mannerisms and words which is all just emphasizing the fact that you should display the fruit of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness and Temperance/Self-control). The second way which is less talked about but just as important is you are displaying God’s MO (modus operandi) which is His mode of operation. A model of how things operate in Heaven, the spiritual Kingdom of God. This is very important because it is not just how you act and what you say but the manner in which the affairs of God are conducted. Remember in 1 Kings 10:1-5 when the Queen of Sheba heard the wisdom of Solomon and saw how the servants of King Solomon conducted themselves with all things being done in excellence (including the physical things) it took her breath away. How much more should we as children of God and servants to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords conduct ourselves in a most professional manner. This is all a part of our “Purpose in Pursuit” because if you never “purpose” to be excellent in mannerisms, language, spirit, soul and body it will never happen on its own (automatically). This means we should look at people the exact way God looks at you. Yes make eye contact with a gaze of love flowing through eyes. We must speak like God speaks with precise words chosen from Heaven to comfort and exhort where the tone and timing of our words both matter. We must touch like God touches meaning hands off certain holy (separated) things and all hands on when necessary and required. We must think God’s thoughts so we know what to say and when to just let the Holy Spirit minister without our assistance or interference. Yes, being in the Spirit of God and allowing the Spirit of God to minister through you comes from having the right “Purpose in Pursuit”. Therefore be “purposeful in your pursuit of God” and be just as “purposeful in your pursuit” to minister to people on God’s behalf. Know that we represent the King, so just any approach will not do. The simple truth is either you act like God all the time (on a more consistent basis) or you sow mingled seeds producing no crop. We (ihlcc) believe that you have the potential to act exactly like God all the time when your “Purpose of Pursuit” is focused and functioning properly. So all Christian ministers of God move into your higher calling in Christ Jesus to set (make) the captives free by people knowing God’s truth by what they see in us consistently in line with God’s Holy Written Word (The Holy Bible). Amen!